Divine Soul Reading

Discover your unique talents and understand the obstacles hindering your path to self-actualization. We delve into your Akashic Records, investigating whether past experiences still influence your current life. The insights provided aim to harmonize your actions with your true spiritual essence.

These readings clarify the impact of previous existences, including vows, deals, and various inhibitions, on your present decisions. Moreover, we assist in uncovering your spiritual endowments. Armed with this knowledge, you’re better equipped to make decisions resonating with your higher self, leading to a life of greater ease and abundance.

Preparing this reading demands 4 to 6 hours, followed by a one-hour session to discuss our findings. You will also receive a comprehensive written report for future reference, alongside practical exercises to facilitate energetic transformation.

These readings are highly beneficial for guiding your children and personal growth, enabling you to nurture your child’s soul-aligned development.



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Usui Reiki with Beth Vargas

Earn Continuing Education Credits in Reiki, Live on Zoom

Flow Into Expansion: Elevate Your Energy and Unlock New Earnings with Reiki


Continuing Education Credits Available. These are live classes, attendance is a must.

6 CEUs available FL 50-15229 NCBTMB 111.

This class is from 9 am – about 3pm depending on the students.

Pre-registration required. Deposit due at time of registration.

6 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111

Pre-requisite Reiki Level I.

The class is from 9 – 3. Level II is very intensive.

8 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111

Prerequisite – Reiki Levels I and II Certification

This class is from 9 am – 3 pm $388. You must

Pre-register with a deposit payment plan available.

7 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111

Deepen your Reiki practice and learn to pass this beautiful gift on to others. Reiki Master is the teaching level. CEUS COMING SOON