Beth "franks' Vargas, owner of Beth Vargas Healing

About Beth Vargas

Beth, like all of us, was born with many gifts. As a young girl she could see beyond the norm into other realms.  A natural energy worker she spent her youth practicing drawing on Divine energy to assist God’s creatures. Always service minded, today Beth uses her talents and skills to proved information, healing and teachings to empower others to move forward in life.

Crystal Healings with Beth

Energy Healings

Beth Vargas Healing provides a diverse array of energy healing services designed to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Our offerings include traditional Reiki, transformative Angel Therapy, soothing Sound Healing, and meditative Meditation Therapy, among others. Each modality is tailored to promote deep healing and spiritual growth, ensuring a personalized experience that caters to your unique needs. For a detailed look at all our services and their benefits, please click the button below to explore our full list of offerings.

Beth Vargas, Angelology & Reiki Classes

Classes & Workshops

Beth Vargas provides a wide range of classes and workshops designed to enhance your spiritual and personal development. Our curriculum includes Reiki, Angelology, and specialized courses like "Soul to Soul: An Introduction to Angelology" and "Soul to Soul: An Introduction to Trance." Other offerings include "Beginning Chakra," "Meditation," and "Sound Healing with Singing Bowls." These sessions cater to both beginners and advanced practitioners looking to deepen their understanding and practice. To discover more about these transformative opportunities, please click the button below to view all our classes and workshops.

Readings with Beth Vargas


Explore Beth Vargas Healing's diverse range of intuitive readings designed to provide clarity, guidance, and deep insights into various aspects of your life. Our offerings include Chakra Readings, which assess and interpret the energy flow through your chakras; Angel Readings, connecting you with angelic messages and support; and Divine Soul Readings, exploring your spiritual path and soul's purpose. We also offer Relationship Readings, which provide insights into personal connections and emotional dynamics.

Energy Healings, Readings and Classes

Experience insightful energy readings and healings either in person if you're local to Vero Beach, Florida, or online from the comfort of your home. Explore profound spiritual insights and holistic wellness tailored to your unique journey.
Usui Reiki with Beth Vargas

Earn Continuing Education Credits in Reiki, Live on Zoom

Flow Into Expansion: Elevate Your Energy and Unlock New Earnings with Reiki


Continuing Education Credits Available. These are live classes, attendance is a must.

6 CEUs available FL 50-15229 NCBTMB 111.

This class is from 9 am – about 3pm depending on the students.

Pre-registration required. Deposit due at time of registration.

6 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111

Pre-requisite Reiki Level I.

The class is from 9 – 3. Level II is very intensive.

8 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111

Prerequisite – Reiki Levels I and II Certification

This class is from 9 am – 3 pm $388. You must

Pre-register with a deposit payment plan available.

7 CEUs available FL (Nursing and/or LMT’s), GA (LMT’s), TN (LMT’s), SC (LMT’s), NH (LMT’s). CE BROKER: 50-15229 NCBTMB 111

Deepen your Reiki practice and learn to pass this beautiful gift on to others. Reiki Master is the teaching level. CEUS COMING SOON